featuring Marcia Cebulska
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Public Events | Book Clubs | Writers Groups
If you would like Marcia to speak, live or by Zoom, at your book club or writers group, please, Contact Marcia
Public Appearances / Performances
None Currently Posted
Opportunities For Book Clubs
For orders of 5 or more books, your group can receive a discount on print copies autographed by Cebulska.
Contact Us for specific information.
VIRTUAL VISITS to Your Book Club!
Cebulska is available to drop-in for a virtual chat about any of her books with your book club.
Contact Us to schedule a time.
Book Club Discussion Questions:
Watching Men Dance
What does the Prologue say about Ava's spirit and personality? How is her spirit evidenced later in the book?
Jesse is called a variety of disparaging or denigrating names during the course of the book. Why do you think the author incorporated this kind of name calling? Why did those characters use those names?
The book visits several holidays. In what ways to the holidays conform or not to our standard view of American celebration? To your own holiday celebrations?
The author has included many food descriptions in this novel. Why do you think she did that?
In what ways does Ava's journey home parallel Homer's Odyssey? In what ways do they differ?
Opportunities For Writers Groups
VIRTUAL VISITS To Your Writers Group!
Marcia has years of experience teaching creative writing and leading writing and journaling groups.
Contact Us for further information about how she may be able to work with your group or organization.